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小一(1)班  丹麦




Now let’s welcome the students from class 1 grade 1. Their country is Denmark. It is a northern European country and it is very fairy, magic ,and beautiful.

The birth of the first flag in the world is 1219 Danish flag, The flag has a name called "Danish power".

When the national flag in the capital Copenhagen rises over, we are so proud. Because the Hans Christian Andersen was born here, "the daughter of the sea", "the emperor's new clothes", "ugly duckling" and so on. These stories live in the heart of our children.

With warmly welcome to the Denmark's team.

小一(2)班 荷兰

现在迎面向我们走来的是荷兰代表队小一(2)班的小朋友. 瞧,他们手捧荷兰风车和国花郁金香,身穿荷兰特色服饰.看上去是多么的可爱、童真、有趣。荷兰位于欧洲西偏北部,是著名的亚欧大陆,荷兰首都设在阿姆斯特丹,以海堤、风车、郁金香和宽容的社会风气而闻名.今天,就让我们一起沉浸在荷兰这个美丽、缤纷的国度里吧!

Now the team comes to us is class 2 grade 1. Look, they are holding the Dutch windmill and tulips, the characteristic of the clothes are from the Netherlands. Look at the students, they are so cute, childlike innocence, and interesting. The Netherlands is located in the north west of Europe, it is a famous asia-europe continent, and its capital is Amsterdam, which arounded with seawall, windmills, tulips and tolerant society. Today, let’s immersed in the Netherlands of  the beautiful and colorful country!!!!

小一(3)班 瑞典


Look, a group of lovely children coming towards us, they are little athletes from Class 3,Grade 1.They come from Sweden, one of the five Nordic countries. Sweden is the largest country in northern Europe, has the rich iron ore, forest and water resources, the industry is extremely rich, the leading position in the world. Sweden has a beautiful natural environment, with 15 world cultural heritage, the forest coverage rate reached 54%. People in Sweden  comply with the time .Swedes are punctual .Swedes pay attention to the environment.

小一(4)班 英国

现在向我们走来的是一(4)班,他们所代表的国家是英国。曾经的 “世界工厂”,第一个工业革命和工业化的国家。伦敦格林尼治天文台是本初子午线的起点,是一天时间的开始。英格兰足球超级联赛亦是世界上最为成功的体育联盟之一。伦敦是夏季奥林匹克运动会举办次数最多的城市。接下来让我们期待运动健儿的精彩竞技。

Here comes the British team. Britain was described as the 

"workshop of the world".also called “world factory”

The Royal Greenwich Observatory in London  is the starting point of the prime meridian, is the beginning of the time of day. England Football Super League is also one of the most successful sports leagues in the world. London is the first city to host the Olympic games three times. Next, let’s look forward to their excellent athletic  skills.

小一(5)班 挪威


Here comes Class 5, Grade 1. These cute boys and girls represent a European country, Norway. Norway locates on the western part of Scandinavian. In this exotic country, you can feel the enthusiasm of Norse. You can see the unique fjord seascape and the regional pine forest. You can also enjoy the beauty of the holy glacier and indulged in the romantic aurora.


小一(6)班 希腊


Here comes Class 6, Grade 1.These lovely kids represent the country-Greece. Greece is the cradle of the Olympic Games. The first Olympic Games was held in Greece in 1896. After that, the Olympic Games is held every four years. Although the host city alternates in different countries, but the name “the Olympic games” is still used. In addition, the Olympic torch lights in Greece every Olympics. Greece is a country that believes in Gods. It’s said that the ancient Olympic games derives from Greece mythologies. This mythological team is trying to write down their own mythology in this sports meeting.